
india cOVID 19 EmergeNCY APPEAL

We have launched an urgent appeal for funds to help Coronavirus victims in India, with Indian Muslim Federation Newham.

As many of you know, India is currently in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic with over 2 million confirmed cases, according to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.). Tens of thousands are suffering from the infection and many thousands have perished. 
This makes India the third worst impacted country globally, despite having a poor tracking mechanism which means the actual figures will be much higher!  The worst affected are the poor and those unable to afford medical bills or self-isolate. Local hospitals are flooded with Covid-19 victims and many are unable to cope or having to turn people away.  It’s a horrific situation which is receiving little media attention.

Treatment in India is not universally available with with l
ocal charitable hospitals struggling to cope whilst private hospitals are charging nearly RS1 Lakh per day.  Charitable hospitals desperately need the right supplies to properly deal with the pandemic and to increase their capability to treat the wave of infections sweeping the country every day.

We have been in discussion with these hospitals and with medical professional and local aid workers.  We have established the urgent need for more PPE, better medicine, more ventilators and crucially life-saving oxygen supplies.

We are requesting your Sadaqah and Lillah donations urgently, to help us provide this to them.

Goal: £25,000.00 CLEAN WATER APPEAL


Water and sanitation-related diseases such as diarrhoea are one of the biggest causes of death for children under five around the world. Every day, more than 800 children die from preventable diseases caused by unclean water, or a lack of sanitation and hygiene.

Poor sanitation, water and hygiene affect more than just children’s health. Children – particularly girls – often miss out on education because schools lack proper toilets and hand-washing facilities. Others miss out because they have to spend their days making long journeys to collect clean water rather than going to school.


When your child comes to you, asking you for food, and you have no food for her to eat, and yet you have to send her to fetch water With an empty stomach.

With an empty stomach, she has to walk 6 hours for a gallon of dirty water.

Because of that water, imagine seeing your daughter take her last breath.

Goal: £25,000.00 UK Homeless People APPEAL Alex Toretto Coordinator Goal: £45,000.00 Our Gallery

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